Behind the scenes of your general practice. Come and meet the team.

Posted by: gemmakirkwood - Posted on:

Did you know that, in addition to your GP, there are other health professionals in general practice who can help you get the right care?

General Practice teams are made up of a whole range of professionals, such as nurses, paramedics and clinical pharmacists. But a new survey has found that many people don’t realise that many roles, like mental health practitioners (66%), physiotherapists (71%) and social prescribers (89%), could be available at general practice.

If you need to see a GP you will always be offered an appointment, but there may be other health professionals available who can provide the most appropriate support. Having a range of health professionals at your general practice means you can receive the right care for your condition as quickly as possible.

Your general practice team is here to help you. Visit to find out more.

Janice, a GP receptionist, is sat at a desk smiling. The body text reads: 'I help people get the right care or service for their health needs' 

The NHS logo features in the top right corner.
Matt, a physiotherapist, is sat at on a chair facing the camera. The body text reads: 'I help people keep their bones, muscles and joints working as best they can.' 

The NHS logo features in the top right corner.
Gay, a social prescriber, is sat at a desk. The body text reads: 'I connect people to practical, emotional, and social support in the community to improve their health and wellbeing.' 

The NHS logo features in the top right corner.
Zoe, a mental health practioner, is sat at a desk. The body text reads: 'I'm here to listen and support people with their mental health' 

The NHS logo features in the top right corner.